using AutoMapper; using DamageAssesment.Api.Locations.Db; using DamageAssesment.Api.Locations.Interfaces; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; namespace DamageAssesment.Api.Locations.Providers { public class RegionsProvider : IRegionsProvider { private LocationDbContext locationDbContext; private ILogger<RegionsProvider> logger; private IMapper mapper; public RegionsProvider(LocationDbContext regionDbContext, ILogger<RegionsProvider> logger, IMapper mapper) { this.locationDbContext = regionDbContext; this.logger = logger; this.mapper = mapper; //SeedData(); } public async Task<(bool IsSuccess, Models.Region Region, string ErrorMessage)> GetRegionByIdAsync(string Id) { try { logger?.LogInformation("Get Regions from DB"); var region = await locationDbContext.Regions.AsNoTracking().FirstOrDefaultAsync(s => s.Id == Id); if (region != null) { logger?.LogInformation($"RegionId: {region.Id} Items found"); var result = mapper.Map<Db.Region, Models.Region>(region); return (true, result, null); } return (false, null, "Not found"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex.ToString()); return (false, null, ex.Message); } } public async Task<(bool IsSuccess, IEnumerable<Models.Region> regions, string ErrorMessage)> GetRegionsAsync() { try { logger?.LogInformation("Get all Regions from DB"); var regions = await locationDbContext.Regions.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(); if (regions != null) { logger?.LogInformation($"{regions.Count} Items(s) found"); var result = mapper.Map<IEnumerable<Db.Region>, IEnumerable<Models.Region>>(regions); return (true, result, null); } return (false, null, "Not found"); } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex.ToString()); return (false, null, ex.Message); } } public async Task<(bool IsSuccess, Models.Region Region, string ErrorMessage)> PostRegionAsync(Models.Region region) { try { if (region != null) { var regions = await locationDbContext.Regions.AsNoTracking().ToListAsync(); region.Id = Convert.ToString(regions.Count + 1); locationDbContext.Regions.Add(mapper.Map<Models.Region, Db.Region>(region)); locationDbContext.SaveChanges(); logger?.LogInformation($"{region} added successfuly"); return (true, region, "Successful"); } else { logger?.LogInformation($"{region} cannot be added"); return (false, null, "Region cannot be added"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex.ToString()); return (false, null, ex.Message); } } public async Task<(bool IsSuccess, Models.Region Region, string ErrorMessage)> PutRegionAsync(Models.Region region) { try { if (region != null) { var _region = await locationDbContext.Regions.AsNoTracking().Where(s => s.Id == region.Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (_region != null) { locationDbContext.Regions.Update(mapper.Map<Models.Region, Db.Region>(region)); locationDbContext.SaveChanges(); return (true, region, "Region updated Successfuly"); } else { logger?.LogInformation($"RegionID: {region.Id} Not found"); return (false, null, "Not Found"); } } else { logger?.LogInformation($"RegionID: {region.Id} Bad Request"); return (false, null, "Bad request"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex.ToString()); return (false, null, ex.Message); } } public async Task<(bool IsSuccess, Models.Region Region, string ErrorMessage)> DeleteRegionAsync(string Id) { try { var region = await locationDbContext.Regions.AsNoTracking().Where(x => x.Id == Id).FirstOrDefaultAsync(); if (region != null) { locationDbContext.Regions.Remove(region); locationDbContext.SaveChanges(); return (true, mapper.Map<Db.Region, Models.Region>(region), $"RegionId {Id} deleted Successfuly"); } else { logger?.LogInformation($"RegionID: {Id} Not found"); return (false, null, "Not Found"); } } catch (Exception ex) { logger?.LogError(ex.ToString()); return (false, null, ex.Message); } } public void SeedData() { if (!locationDbContext.Regions.Any()) { locationDbContext.Regions.Add(new Db.Region() { Id = "1", Name = "North", Abbreviation = "N" }); locationDbContext.Regions.Add(new Db.Region() { Id = "2", Name = "South", Abbreviation = "S" }); locationDbContext.Regions.Add(new Db.Region() { Id = "3", Name = "Central", Abbreviation = "C" }); locationDbContext.SaveChanges(); } } } }